Euro Gas Pak Plant have been at the forefront of Pre Packaged plantroom construction in Ireland for packaged-plantrooms-1over 15 years. Our units are constructed within a factory environment ensuring the pre-packaged concept provides a fast and effective means of production to meet the ever increasing demands of the construction industry whilst also providing the highest level of quality.

This concept of pre or purpose designing packaged plant rooms is to ensure that the most effective use of floor space is taken up by the plant room. Significant cost savings are realised by not having to create plant rooms within the building envelope.

Manufacture and minimising of site construction time

The pre-packaged plant room is manufactured by a skilled workforce in a factory environment. Emphasis is placed on developing a workshop programme tailored specifically for each project, ensuring production time is maximised. The pre packaged plant rooms are subjected to continuous design reviews, with improvements being implemented at appropriate times, the final objective being to achieve the correct balance between ease of construction, function, appearance and cost.

Euro Gas Pak Plant applies careful attention to the requirements of its clients. Pre packaged boiler rooms and plant rooms, built off-site and fully fitted for immediate use, answer many of the problems associated with supplying space heating services. In particular, there is no interruption of working time to the clien

Reasons for using Pak Plant pre packaged boiler/plant room

  • homeslider-6Over 15 years’ packaged-plantrooms-5experience in packaged plant room design & supply
  • Reduced site programme
  • Manufactured under controlled conditions
  • Single contractor responsible
  • Pre-delivery inspection, testing and pre-commissioning
  • All packages individually designed
  • High engineering and quality standards
  • Optimum use of limited space
  • Can be operational within hours of delivery